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Nuclear Weapons

Plutonium-239 and Its Relationship with Uranium-235 in Thermonuclear Weapons

Plutonium-239 and Its Relationship with Uranium-235 in Thermonuclear Weapons

Plutonium-239 has an important relationship with uranium-235 when it comes to nuclear weapons. Let me explain. With the symbol Pu on the Periodic Table, plutonium is an element with an…
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The Pros and Cons of Nuclear Participation in the Pacific

The Pros and Cons of Nuclear Participation in the Pacific

Recently, Japan and South Korea began discussing the need for their own indigenous nuclear arsenals. Either or both might yet decide in favor of fielding their own nuclear forces. Australia…
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The Wrong Agenda for Political Debates

The Wrong Agenda for Political Debates

In the aftermath of President-elect Donald J. Trump’s election, it is time for the national political dialogue to calm down and move away from dysfunctional hyperbole. During the presidential campaign,…
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Why a Joint US-Pakistan Counterterrorism Task Force Is Necessary

Why a Joint US-Pakistan Counterterrorism Task Force Is Necessary

For more than 70 years, the world has avoided nuclear war. However, the nuclear order is changing dramatically. Pakistan’s growing nuclear capabilities and ties to terrorist groups present an especially dangerous…
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Counter Terror’s High-tech to Low-tech Backfire

Counter Terror’s High-tech to Low-tech Backfire

As the media ponders how Israel will respond to Iranian missile attack, many remain awestruck by the September 17, 2024, Israeli pager attack and subsequent walkie-talkie detonations that killed or…
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It’s 1938, not 1968

It’s 1938, not 1968

The presidential campaign is heading into its climactic final months. Pundits and politicians are inevitably drawing analogies between present and past events in domestic politics and foreign policy. This year,…
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Proliferation Motivations and Modern Japan: Lessons Since Hiroshima

Proliferation Motivations and Modern Japan: Lessons Since Hiroshima

With the recent anniversaries of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it is time to reflect on the role of nuclear weapons in national security. These weapons are far…
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The New Nuclear Alliance Against the West

The New Nuclear Alliance Against the West

Campaign rhetoric aside, the next president and America’s allies around the globe already face a multi-lateral nuclear alliance directed against them. Worse yet, that alliance is on track to become…
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The Prospects for Nuclear Deterrence in the Next American Administration

The Prospects for Nuclear Deterrence in the Next American Administration

The four years from 2025 promise to be a very difficult time for nuclear deterrence if the trends of the past decade and one-half since the completion of the New…
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Artificial Intelligence for Nuclear Deterrence Strategy

Artificial Intelligence for Nuclear Deterrence Strategy

The document "Artificial Intelligence for Nuclear Deterrence Strategy 2023" outlines the Advanced Simulation and Computing (ASC) program's strategy to integrate artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) into the U.S.…
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Investing in National Security: The Case for Fostering Competition in the Defense Industry

Investing in National Security: The Case for Fostering Competition in the Defense Industry

The United States stands at a critical juncture. As tensions rise and threats from Russia, China, North Korea and Iran evolve, it is paramount that the nation ensure it possess…
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