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Arms Control

Two Years After the ASAT Test Ban: A Realistic Assessment

Two Years After the ASAT Test Ban: A Realistic Assessment

Introduction        Two years have passed since the United States announced a unilateral ban on the testing of destructive anti-satellite (ASAT) weapons. The ban was announced on April 12, 2022, and…
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Iran’s Quest for Middle East Hegemony

Iran’s Quest for Middle East Hegemony

Since the Islamist Revolution (1979) Iran’s strategic intent experienced little change—drive the United States out of the Middle East. The Iranian regime aims at establishing dominance in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon,…
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Why America Needs ICBMs

Why America Needs ICBMs

With the recent news that the Sentinel intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) program is expected to experience a Nunn-McCurdy breach, which means program costs are expected to increase by at least…
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The Faux Nuclear Arms Race that Isn’t

The Faux Nuclear Arms Race that Isn’t

The Washington Post editorial board’s November opinion, “A new nuclear arms race is here: How to slow it down,” may receive the cheers of the Beltway’s many nuclear disarmament organizations,…
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