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National Institute for Deterrence Studies. ​

Iron Dome America Is Not a Threat to Peace

Iron Dome America Is Not a Threat to Peace

Recently, opponents of missile defenses published editorials in several outlets accusing the Trump administration of “conjuring” up an “arms race” that will severely damage “strategic stability by proposing an Iron…
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Congratulations on Becoming the Secretary of Defense

Congratulations on Becoming the Secretary of Defense

Secretary Hegseth, It is good to have a combat veteran as the new Secretary of Defense. It is also good to have someone who, while writing a book on the…
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Drones on the Loose

Drones on the Loose

The state of New Jersey is apparently facing an invasion by unstoppable drones. This development is creating demands for investigation on the part of federal, state, and local governments. Citizens…
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Plutonium-239 and Its Relationship with Uranium-235 in Thermonuclear Weapons

Plutonium-239 and Its Relationship with Uranium-235 in Thermonuclear Weapons

Plutonium-239 has an important relationship with uranium-235 when it comes to nuclear weapons. Let me explain. With the symbol Pu on the Periodic Table, plutonium is an element with an…
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The Pros and Cons of Nuclear Participation in the Pacific

The Pros and Cons of Nuclear Participation in the Pacific

Recently, Japan and South Korea began discussing the need for their own indigenous nuclear arsenals. Either or both might yet decide in favor of fielding their own nuclear forces. Australia…
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Modern Escalation Dominance Is Essential to Effective Deterrence and Assurance

Modern Escalation Dominance Is Essential to Effective Deterrence and Assurance

Defense commentators note that adversaries, prior to acting aggressively, will first calculate risks and rewards. Significant to this calculus is an evaluation of how, if at all, America is likely…
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The Resilient Hegemon: Why America’s Global Leadership Endures

The Resilient Hegemon: Why America’s Global Leadership Endures

In an era where political pundits are quick to sound alarms about the impending decline of American global leadership, the reality paints a more optimistic picture. While the rise of…
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Hypersonic Horizons: The Next Generation of Air Superiority

Hypersonic Horizons: The Next Generation of Air Superiority

The development of hypersonic technology is poised to redefine the landscape of military airpower. Hypersonic vehicles, capable of reaching speeds greater than Mach 5, offer unprecedented speed and agility, making…
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Nuclear Devices in Space

Nuclear Devices in Space

Nuclear devices in space have the potential to prove indispensable tools, ideal for protecting the planet from asteroid impacts. They are, however, currently forbidden, unless the 1967 Outer Space Treaty…
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Maintaining America’s First-Use Policy

Maintaining America’s First-Use Policy

As the 2024 presidential election looms, the future of American national security policy, particularly its nuclear posture, is under scrutiny. Whether Donald Trump reclaims the White House or Vice President…
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Modernizing Civil Defense Is Wise

Modernizing Civil Defense Is Wise

America waged a Cold War against a nuclear-armed Marxist-Leninist state for four decades. The US government took a number of civil defense measures to protect the American people. These included:…
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The Return of Battlefield Nuclear Weapons

The Return of Battlefield Nuclear Weapons

The United States’ and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s (NATO) continued support for Ukraine’s valiant fight to repel a Russian invasion may, ultimately, depending on the state of the conflict,…
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