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Strategic Adversaries

Strategic Adversaries

Nuclear Castling in the Indo-Pacific

Nuclear Castling in the Indo-Pacific

It is time to restation nuclear weapons in South Korea. The United States must modernize extended deterrence and strengthen the assurance of allies across the Indo-Pacific region. While the United…
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Realpolitik and Fake News Complicate Nuclear Deterrence

Realpolitik and Fake News Complicate Nuclear Deterrence

For America to pragmatically solve the nuclear strategy three body problem—simultaneously deterring Russia, China, and North Korea—the United States must compensate for three characteristics of the international system: realpolitik, fake…
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America’s Vital Nonproliferation Interests

America’s Vital Nonproliferation Interests

There are at least five compelling reasons for supporting continued American efforts to prevent the spread of nuclear arms. This is despite the aggressive nuclear buildup of Russia and China.…
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The Consequences of Nuclear Disarmament

The Consequences of Nuclear Disarmament

Advocates of nuclear abolition wish humanity could live in a world without nuclear weapons. However, results of such a policy could be catastrophic. Bad actors, for example, would likely cheat…
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America’s Downward Slide

America’s Downward Slide

In a recent Foreign Affairs article, Former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates writes, The United States now confronts graver threats to its security than it has in decades, perhaps ever.…
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