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U.S. strategic and tactical nuclear weapons on land, in the air, and at sea, will undergo costly and extensive modernization in the coming years. U.S. nuclear forces, operated by the…
Catalonia's independence referendum set in motion a series of events, with implications that will be felt across Spain–and Europe—for several years. Summary Madrid takes immediate control of its institutions and…
With oil prices unlikely to recover to levels of the petroleum boom governments may have to limit cash payments and subsidies. In the meantime, social networks have provided new tools…
The Spanish government's bungling of the Catalan referendum only made the situation worse. There is a saying in Catalonia: "once they send in the tanks, they may have missed the…
If Catalonia's regional government proceeds with a unilateral declaration of independence Madrid could suspend the region's autonomy and take direct control. On Oct. 4, the region's pro-independence parties, Junts pel…
Russia recently held one of the largest “war games” since the Cold War, on its Western borders. The drill exercised combat scenarios recently used in Ukraine and tested the compatibility…