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ICBM Ear for the Week of January 23, 2025 Prepared by Peter Huessy, President of Geostrategic Analysis and Senior Fellow at the National Institute for Deterrent Studies Key Takeaways Significant…
This book is not a stale history of an insignificant person. It is a well written, fascinating story centered around a very influential man. It just happens that the man’s…
It is time to restation nuclear weapons in South Korea. The United States must modernize extended deterrence and strengthen the assurance of allies across the Indo-Pacific region. While the United…
In October of this year, the final report of the Congressional Commission on the Strategic Posture of the United States was released. It is a wake-up call and a national…
The new Congressional Commission on the Strategic Posture of the United States report unanimously concluded the United States is unprepared to face China and Russia as two nuclear-armed peer adversaries.…