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Nuclear Deterrence and Drones: An Unpredictable Mix?

Nuclear Deterrence and Drones: An Unpredictable Mix?

On the surface, the subject matters of drones and nuclear deterrence seem far apart.  Drones and other autonomous vehicle technologies already influence the conduct of war in a significant way.…
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Deterrence and NATO’s Emerging Security Environment

Deterrence and NATO’s Emerging Security Environment

The international security environment is deteriorating rapidly and becoming increasingly dangerous and uncertain. China, Iran, North Korea, and Russia pose a threat to Western interests in multiple domains. Among them…
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Striking from Afar: The Strategic Edge of Standoff Warfare

Striking from Afar: The Strategic Edge of Standoff Warfare

Standoff warfare has emerged as a pivotal approach in modern warfare. By keeping forces beyond the reach of adversaries and utilizing long-range offensive capabilities, nations aim to maintain a tactical…
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The European Union’s Cyber War Challenge

The European Union’s Cyber War Challenge

Hostile states actors are knocking on every closed door in Europe in an effort to disrupt normal management of societies and their governments. State institutions, including intelligence agencies, cybersecurity organizations,…
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