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National Institute for Deterrence Studies. ​

You Think the Ukraine War Was Bad? Imagine a Rogue Russia

You Think the Ukraine War Was Bad? Imagine a Rogue Russia

President Lyndon Baines Johnson once famously said he gave J. Edgar Hoover the directorship of the FBI for life because “[i]t was better to have him in the tent pissing…
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Correcting the Record on the Space National Guard

Correcting the Record on the Space National Guard

At the annual convention of the National Guard Association of the United States (NGAUS), former President Donald Trump made headlines by stating his support for NGAUS’ position on a Space…
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Nordic Countries Supercharge NATO’s Deterrence

Nordic Countries Supercharge NATO’s Deterrence

Nordic countries formed the Nordic Defense Cooperation (NORDEFCO) as a cooperative security effort. Among several defense coordination initiatives, one is related to European airspace when faced with threats from Russia.…
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Joe Cirincione is Wrong about Donald Trump

Joe Cirincione is Wrong about Donald Trump

Joe Cirincione is a prolific commentator on nuclear issues with a long track record of advocating for nuclear arms reductions and disarmament. His publications play an important role in shaping…
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Political Uncertainties Are Affecting Europe’s Defense Buildup

Political Uncertainties Are Affecting Europe’s Defense Buildup

Following European Parliament elections in June, French president, Emanuel Macron, abruptly dissolved his own parliament and held elections that left him without a majority. In the United Kingdom (UK), Keir…
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