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Ukraine war

The European Dilemma: Five Percent and Manpower

The European Dilemma: Five Percent and Manpower

The Europeans have reacted with shock and dismay at President Donald Trump’s initiatives on settling the Ukraine war. The president is wisely keeping the Europeans out of any negotiations with…
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The Ukraine War: Great Power Competition

The Ukraine War: Great Power Competition

As the war in Ukraine rages on, more than two years since it began, many observers are trying to determine who is winning and who will win in the end.…
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You Think the Ukraine War Was Bad? Imagine a Rogue Russia

You Think the Ukraine War Was Bad? Imagine a Rogue Russia

President Lyndon Baines Johnson once famously said he gave J. Edgar Hoover the directorship of the FBI for life because “[i]t was better to have him in the tent pissing…
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The European Union’s Cyber War Challenge

The European Union’s Cyber War Challenge

Hostile states actors are knocking on every closed door in Europe in an effort to disrupt normal management of societies and their governments. State institutions, including intelligence agencies, cybersecurity organizations,…
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Russia’s Arctic Ocean Monopoly

Russia’s Arctic Ocean Monopoly

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said about the Arctic Circle, “It has been absolutely clear for everyone for a long time that this is our territory.” He added, “This is…
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