The Cheyenne Mountain Complex is a military installation located in Colorado and designed to provide command-and-control functions for the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) and the United States Northern Command (USNORTHCOM). In the hypothetical event that Russia launched a surprise intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) nuclear attack on this base, employing a Russian SS-27 800-kiloton ICBM that managed to strike the Cheyenne Mountain Complex, the impact would be devastating. The detonation would likely degrade or destroy operations at Cheyenne Mountain.
The intense heat from the explosion would ignite fires, contributing to the destruction of the surrounding areas. The release of radioactive materials from the detonation would pose a significant health hazard to anyone in the vicinity, leading to radiation sickness and potentially long-term health effects.
The impact of the explosion would not only be physical but strategic. Cheyenne Mountain plays a crucial role in the defense of North America. Its destruction would severely impair the United States’ ability to detect and respond to potential threats, including incoming missiles and aircraft following such a strike. The US would be highly vulnerable to additional decapitation strikes on their command-and-control facilities.
Of course, the US would still have its nuclear submarines patrolling the seas. They can launch a retaliatory attack on the president’s order, but the bleak reality is that the homeland would be quite vulnerable. This is obviously a worst case scenario and highly unlikely, but it is important to think about as states strategize about decapitating nuclear strikes against the United States.
Enhanced Ballistic Missile Defenses
The threat of nuclear attack remains a significant concern in today’s world. Enhancing ballistic missile defenses (BMD) is crucial for the US to protect against a threat like the one described above. With the nation’s BMD system limited, there is room for significant improvement to defend against sophisticated nuclear attacks.
The United States can enhance its ballistic missile defense systems in several ways. First, the US needs to develop and deploy more advanced interceptor missiles capable of engaging incoming threats at various stages of flight, including boost, mid-course, and terminal phases. These interceptors should be faster, more agile, and have greater accuracy.
Second, the US needs to enhance sensor capabilities, including radar and infrared systems, to improve early detection and tracking of incoming missiles. This includes space-based sensors for early warning and tracking.
Third, the US should consider improving integration and networking of BMD systems to enhance coordination and effectiveness. This includes integrating various BMD systems (such as Aegis, THAAD, and Ground-based Midcourse Defense) and improving communication and data-sharing between systems.
Fourth, the US should develop and deploy countermeasures and decoys to confuse and overwhelm enemy missile defense systems, increasing the likelihood of intercepting the actual warhead. Fifth, the US should continue to collaborate with allies and partners to share technology, intelligence, and resources to enhance overall BMD capabilities and effectiveness. Lastly, the US needs to continue to invest in ongoing research and development to stay ahead of emerging threats and technologies, ensuring the BMD remains effective against evolving missile threats.
Ultimately, strengthening the BMD structure not only protects critical assets but also enhances overall national security. By continuously improving and innovating the United States can stay ahead of adversary nuclear modernization efforts. Demonstrating a clear ability to defend against nuclear strikes can enhance deterrence credibility.
Directed Energy Weapons
In addition to traditional BMD systems, the United States should explore the development of satellite-based directed-energy weapons (DEW). These systems, such as lasers or high-powered microwaves, offer several advantages over traditional kinetic weapons. They can engage multiple targets simultaneously at the speed of light with precision accuracy.
Laser technology is seen as the future of space deterrence due to its versatility and effectiveness. Lasers can be used to intercept and destroy incoming ballistic missiles, satellites, or other threats in space. They can also be used for precise targeting and disabling of enemy assets without causing collateral damage.
Satellites equipped with DEWs could revolutionize America’s ability to defend against nuclear threats. By positioning satellites in orbit equipped with DEWs, the United States could establish a first line of defense against incoming nuclear weapons. These satellites could intercept and neutralize nuclear weapons before they reach their targets, providing a critical layer of protection.
DEWs offer several advantages over traditional missile defense systems. They have virtually unlimited magazine capacity, meaning they can engage multiple targets without needing to reload. They also have a much faster engagement time.
Furthermore, DEWs are highly cost-effective compared to traditional missile defense systems, as they do not require expensive interceptors or launch platforms. They also have the potential to be more reliable and less prone to failure, as they have no moving parts and operate using electricity rather than chemical propellants. Of course, the technology is not sufficiently mature to field the weapons suggested.
The hypothetical scenario of a Russian SS-27 800-kiloton ICBM striking Cheyenne Mountain highlights the critical need for enhancing ballistic missile defenses. The devastating effects of such an attack underscore the importance of continuous improvement and innovation in BMD technology.
The United States must develop and deploy more advanced interceptor missiles, enhance sensor capabilities, and improve integration and networking of BMDs. Additionally, exploring the development of satellites equipped with directed-energy weapons could provide a revolutionary defense capability against nuclear threats.
Strengthening the BMD structure not only protects critical assets but also enhances overall national security. By investing in research and development and collaborating with allies and partners, the United States can stay ahead of potential adversaries’ nuclear modernization efforts and demonstrate a clear ability to defend against nuclear strikes, enhancing its deterrence capability.
Aaron Holland is an Analyst at the National Institute for Deterrence Studies. Views expressed in this article are the author’s own.
About the Author

Aaron Holland
Aaron Holland is an Analyst at the National Institute for Deterrence Studies.