Prepared by Peter Huessy, President of Geostrategic and Senior Fellow, NIDS.
If your interest fits one of these areas:
Experienced professional with expertise in arms control, nuclear deterrence, and international security priorities.
Specialized in analyzing arms deals, assessing nuclear strategies, and understanding global alliances.
Dedicated to promoting diplomacy, reducing the threat of nuclear war, and advocating for responsible statecraft.
Then this report gives you nuanced perspectives on nuclear proliferation in East Asia, focusing on Japan and South Korea, and China’s influence in the Middle East, as well as a deep understanding of international relations, security issues, and geopolitical developments.
Finding that you are committed to discussing critical issues shaping the world today, here are the 7 critical take aways you’ll find most interesting:
Shift towards nuclear weapons, with concerns about reversing the momentum towards a world without nuclear arms.
Escalating tensions in various regions, leading to the emergence of opposing cold war-style camps.
Growing calls in Japan and South Korea to acquire nuclear weapons to counter the US.
North Korea’s rapid expansion of nuclear capabilities changing the nuclear balance on the Korean peninsula.
Increasing support for nuclear armament in South Korea.
Strengthened military alliances between the US, Japan, and South Korea.
China’s influence in the Middle East aimed at reducing American influence in the region. Welcome this key and influential information into your must read for the week and you will remain on top of what matters most in national security.
Read, share, print, discuss, give us your thoughts!
About the Author

Peter Huessy
Mr. Peter Huessy is President of his own defense consulting firm, Geostrategic Analysis, founded in 1981, and through 2021, Director of Strategic Deterrent Studies at the Mitchell Institute on Aerospace Studies. He was the senior defense consultant at the National Defense University Foundation for 22 years. He was the National Security Fellow at the AFPC, and Senior Defense Consultant at the Air Force Association from 2011-2016.
Mr. Huessy has served as an expert defense and national security analyst for over 50 years, helping his clients cover congressional activities, arms control group efforts, nuclear armed states actions, and US administration nuclear related policy, budgets, and strategies, while monitoring budget and policy developments on nuclear deterrence, ICBM modernization, nuclear arms control, and overall nuclear modernization.
He has also covered nuclear terrorism, counterterrorism, immigration, state-sponsored terrorism, missile defense, weapons of mass destruction, especially US-Israeli joint defense efforts, nuclear deterrence, arms control, proliferation, as well as tactical and strategic air, airlift, space and nuclear matters and such state and non-state actors as North Korea, China, Iran, Syria, Venezuela and Hezbollah, Hamas, and Al Qaeda. This also includes monitoring activities of think tanks, non-governmental organizations, and other US government departments, as well as projecting future actions of Congress in this area. His specialty is developing and implementing public policy campaigns to secure support for important national security objectives. And analyzing nuclear related technology and its impact on public policy, a study of which he prepared for the Aerospace Corporation in 2019.