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Balloons and sleepwalking into conflicts

By Chun In-bum

North Korea, a relic of the Cold War, has evolved into a cult state centered around the Kim family. Despite its oppressive regime, the state’s endurance into the 21st century is perplexing. The regime maintains its grip on power through a combination of brainwashing, terror and strict social control. Public executions and pervasive surveillance cultivate an environment of fear, ensuring blind obedience from the population. However, beneath this veneer of control, North Korean society is sustained by bribery and corruption, which permeate every level of life.

Read the full article here.

About the Author

Chun In-bum
NIDS Senior Fellow and Contributing Author | Articles

Chun In-bum (truechun@naver.com) served as a lieutenant general in the ROK Army and commander of Special Forces Korea.

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